Meet us in 2023 !
2023 is a great year to meet new people, thanks to the many trade fairs we’re taking part in! Marseille, Lausanne, Cologne, Barcelona… We look forward to seeing you all over Europe to present our SWIMEO counter-current turbine range. Habitat – Maison, Jardin, Déco Annecy…
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Counter-current swimming systems, your rehab allies
Swimming turbines installed in pools are often considered to be a simple recreational accessory. However, swimming pool counter-current systems can have other uses. Among them, we can note that it can be made into a tool for use during physical therapy. So, how does it work in practice?En pratique, comment ça marche ?
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Swimming at home: what benefits and solutions?
Swimming is an all-round sport, recommended for all ages and all physical conditions. What are its benefits? How can you practice it efficiently at home? Find out everything there is to know about how to enjoy swimming at home, even if you only have a small pool.
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Swimming against the current, an asset for triathletes
A combination of swimming, cycling and running, the triathlon is a demanding endurance sport. Training is essential if you want to perform at your best level in friendly or high-level competitions. Among the training aids that exist, home counter-current turbines are a particularly practical option. Here are the main advantages:Parmi les dispositifs d’aide à l’entraînement qui existent, les turbines de nage à contre-courant à domicile constituent une alternative particulièrement pratique. Quels sont les principaux atouts ? On fait le point.
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How to train for a triathlon swim ?
A triathlon is a triple event, successively combining swimming, cycling and running. The participants always start with the swim, over different distances depending on the categories. But how can you train? How can you prepare well to be able to follow up with the bike and the run? We can explain everything.
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You would like to enjoy a sports pool but you cannot build a larger pool because of the costs associated with the operation. Don't panic, there is a number of solutions that allow you to build a space adapted to the practice of sport. Swimming against the current, aquarunning, aquabiking: there are many possibilities to create a sports pool.
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Swimming against the current
Swimming against the current is a fun form of exercise that can be practiced in any pool equipped with a counter-current swimming system. Installing a counter-current turbine allows beginners as well as experienced athletes to practice swimming.
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Counter-current swimming: who is it for and why?
If you are interested in water sports, especially pool water sports, you may have heard of counter-current swimming? What is it? Who is it for? Is it just for athletes? Here’s what you need to know before investing.
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